Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Mighty Mighty Costco

I had never been.

Wow did we ever clean up! We hit each aisle twice and stocked our cart so full that former Supermarket Sweep winners would've been jealous. We took care of all of our "dry items" (cleaners, papers, tea, appliances etc etc) and made an even bigger list for our next visit when we get all our "fresh" items. All the purchases made everything so much more real. $400 dollars of year long supplies will do that to ya! We even picked up the "Northern Musts" like a humidifier and extra tin-foil for the windows. Reading all the other Northern Blogs has been incredibly helpful. "Townie Bastard" "Newbie" . . .you all know who you are. If our paths are to cross someday, I can't wait to shake your hand. You've made this journey so much easier on us.

If this information cycle goes around again and someone else reads through this blog, I must stress the paramount importance of GOING TO COSTCO. I've gone through some of the "Food Price" blogs from the true northerners and if my math is correct, we've almost saved $2, 847 . . .JUST by shopping in Ontario first and buying bulk (that doesn't include our food, juices and Laundry detergent either).

See this Logo:

Live by it!

I'd also like to thank my best friend Chris Pell for lending us his COSTCO EXECUTIVE card. He has earned $7.62 towards his year end credit. Thanks Pellbo!


Anonymous said...

Costco does have good prices. It's too bad that they do not accept manufacturers' coupons. However, they do have their own coupons (some of which are useful).

Printing photos in store is NOT worth it. It takes too long and the machine acts up.

Even so, Costco still is a good place to shop.

Jordan~Stephanie said...

Plus you don't have to eat lunch before you go! mmmm free samples . . .

Tara Muise said...

yay! i'm making my run this thursday...